Friday, August 14, 2009

The student becomes the teacher

My kids are pretty smart, at least I think so. They can beat me at pretty much any computer game we own. The other day Joseph asked me if he could play something on the game console, I said he could but that I didn't want to help him as I was busy at the moment. So we got it all set up for him and he was playing quite happily. Until he got to a bit he couldn't do, so there he is pleading me to help him. I cannot resist him sometimes so I stopped what I was doing to help. Now it was pretty tricky, I was trying my hardest but apparently it was not enough. Joseph knew what I had to do but I just couldn't do it. Eventually he just asked for it back and did it himself. Now how bad is that, my 4 year old is better on the computer then me. He then proceeded to tell me everything he was doing as if I was the child and he was the teacher. Eventually I left the room and he was still going on about it. Yesterday Adam and Samuel were playing a game together on the computer and Samuel was beating Adam, now Adam did say that his hands were too big, and I will give that to him, it is easier for little hands to play this particular game. But I would never of believed it unless I had seen it. So now the student (child) has become the teacher (parent).

Gotta love those kids.

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