Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It was nice this weekend to go to our own ward and just stay at home after and do normal Sunday things. For the past couple of weekends We have been going to different wards for church, the kids miss going to their own primary classes and I miss talking to some friends. So this week is was nice. They went to primary, enjoyed it and I got to speak to friends. I asked them all later that night what they had learnt. The younger two told stories and spoke about what they did in class but Samuel could not tell me one thing that he learnt. He seems to be going through a phases at the moment. On Sunday morning when I asked him to get dressed he told me he hated church. I asked him why, his response 'I don't know'. I really just think that it is the fact that on Sunday he has to dress up and sit still for 3 hours listening to other people speak. Because at home when we are having lessons and discussions he is quite happy to join in. It was funny a couple of weeks ago we taught the children the story of the boy who cried wolf. We had been having some lying problems and we were hoping this would address the situation in a way the kids could understand. Samuel had a really good idea he took me into the other room and suggested that we do a little play of the story. It worked really good. He was the boy and I was the villagers and the other kids really enjoyed it. So I don't think he really hates church, just that it is boring sometimes and no one wants to be bored.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My little fishies

Yesterday the kids started swimming lessons again. They have not done lessons in about 2 years. The reason we stopped was because we moved to Canberra. The kids really loved going and I am glad they have started again. They have been really excited all week, and we were trying to make a big deal about it for Joseph. I wasn't sure how he would go. Last time he went swimming was when he was about 2 and he was in the babies class so I would go in with him. So after school we all went to Big W and picked out some goggles, this got them excited, we then went home and did our homework and then put our bathers on. They were bouncing around with excitement by this time. Finally it was time to go, the noise in the car on the way was very loud. All of them trying to talk at once saying how good they were, what they were going to do and other boasts like that. So we got to the pool got our classes sorted out and then we started. It was really good. Samuel was in a class by himself, Ashley only had one other boy in her class and Joseph only had another girl in hers. None of them had a problem getting in least of all Joseph, he was raring to go. He went in he swam, he went under and he even jumped off the edge. He loved it. The other kids also had a ball, unfortunately they were both down the other end of the pool so I couldn't see them so well. But they were both going under and swimming well. Ashley even got a certificate for going under water. So all in all they had a ball. The best thing of all when we got home, we had dinner, got pj's on and went to bed. They were asleep in seconds, it was fantastic.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am not your friend anymore

I have not written in about a week and just wanted to do a bit of a catch up. On the same day as Father's Day it was my mum's birthday. I find it quite hard to get presents for my parents, so this year I got creative. I had made a chocolate flower arrangement for my brother in-laws 30th, so I decided to do a more feminine one for my mum for her birthday. I must say I was quite impressed with how it turned out.
Of course the kids had to be in the picture as well.
So that was what I did for my mum. I quite enjoy making things like that.
On to other things, Joseph today learned a hard lesson. He has been going to kindy full time since the beginning of this term. He has been really enjoying it and has made some friends. This is where the problem was. This morning he got to kindy and said hello to Matthew. Now Matthew is his best friend at the moment. So after he got his hat on he went over to play with Matthew, only to be told that he couldn't play with him because he was playing with someone else. Now Joseph was fine until I came over to say goodbye. He came over to be with this sad little face and with his little lip wobbling told me that Matthew didn't want to be his friend anymore. He was so upset, his little heart was breaking. He had been so looking forward to playing with his friend. He cried on my shirt for a couple of minutes and then we went inside to play with the computer. Hopefully when I go back to pick him up everything will be fine. My heart just went out to him, that he had to learn this hard lesson. Matthew was not nasty about it, he was just playing with someone else and when you are 4 you can only play with one person at a time. I am sure that this will not be that last time my children have friend problems. I just hope they are resilient enough to get through all that is thrown at them.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Well this weekend we have had Fathers Day. So I just wanted to say a little bit about the Fathers in my life.

First is my father, he is the best dad anyone could ask for. He has massive amounts of patience, he is always kind, he can always say something to cheer you up. He is a fantastic listener. With my dad you can take a long drive without 2 words being spoken and it is not uncomfortable. He is always willing to help, he has the skills and expertise to bless his family. He is often found on the weekends at other peoples homes doing electrical work. He willingly gives up his spare time and I have never heard him complain about it. When he lost his job, he didn't moan or groan about it, he just got on with life. He doesn't hold a grudge. He is fun to be around. As a kid I had so many opportunities to have fun from extreme sports like Jet Skiing, to just having a tickle fight on Sunday afternoon. He has introduced to me most of the music I love now. He wants to spend time with my children. I remember when Samuel was born, dad was in the hospital everyday having lunch with me. He changed the worst nappy you can get and he told me it was such an amazing feeling having a grandchild. Words couldn't describe it for him. But most of all he loves me unconditionally.

Second is my Father in-Law, he is a man who is always willing to help us. We have been in tight situations and he has always been there to help us out. If we ever need advice we can go to him and get an honest opinion. He has accepted me into his family without reservation. He is interested in what is going on in our lives and in our children's lives. He always wants what is best for us and I know that he loves us.

Lastly is my husband, the father of my children, he is such a support and friend to me. He is a fantastic father, he can always get Joseph out of his bad moods, he knows just what to say to Ashley to make her happy, and he plays with Samuel just to make him happy. He always has time for the children, even when he is busy with work or church assignments he will pause when one of them comes up to him and give them a hug. He love singing with them, our children know all sorts of music through him. He is teaching them the gospel principles and setting an example for them to follow. I love him, the children love him and I know that he love us.