Monday, November 30, 2009


Well this week is going to be a pretty big week for us. This week Samuel, my first born, is turning 8. Now turning 8 is a pretty big deal in our house. The reason it is a big deal is because Samuel will be getting Baptised. His birthday is on Friday, and on Saturday we are having his baptism. He is so excited about it, we have been building it up for him. As a parent it is exciting and scary, scary to think that I have a child who is 8, also it makes you think 'have I really taught him enough'. As 8 year olds we do not fully comprehend what we are doing when we get baptised, I think it doesn't matter how much you try and teach them. It is something that has to develop within them. They have to develop a love for the Church and its teachings and then choose themselves that they want to follow its teachings. Baptism is just the first step for them on that long road. So I am excited that Samuel is able to take that first step and that I will be there to help him afterwards. Samuel has had some really good teachers at Church and he has had some good example set for him by his cousins. All his cousins who are old enough have been baptised, Samuel has watched each of these baptisms and it has increased his excitement for his own. So that time is finally here. As I said on Saturday we will gather with family and friends to see Samuel get baptised. I am so proud of him for this decision he has made.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

7 o'clock and all is well

I am happy to say that all is well at our house. Adam has been traveling for the last week or so and he is finally back. The only good thing about him being away was that I got to take 3 days off work. It was nice to sleep in till 7:30am and not rush to get up or go anywhere. I still had to take the kids to school but we had plenty of time. I was able to have breakfast before I went out the door, I was even able to have a shower. I am happy he is back though, he went to Canberra for a couple of days and he went to Brisbane for a couple of days. It was nice to have the bed to myself, but then it was even nicer to share my bed when he came home late last night. I think the dog has missed him the most. He is her favourite person, when he came home last Thursday from Canberra she pushed past all the kids and got to him first as he came through the door. She is really a big softy, but you had better watch out for her big butt when she is trying to get to Adam. She is really funny on Sunday night I had the house to myself, the kids were sleeping over their Nanny's house and Adam had left for Brisbane. Instead of coming to sleep in my room she sulked and went and slept in the boys room. She was looking for them. When they got home the next day the first thing she did was sniff them all to make sure they were alright. We love our Piper.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick

Well I think I told you in my last post about Joseph being sick, I am not sure if I mentioned Samuel, he came down sick as well last Wednesday. This Sunday it was Ashley's turn. She was fine while we were at church, then church finished and she complained of being sick. We couldn't leave because Samuel had his interview for getting baptised next month so I just lay her down on the sofa in the foyer and waited. She was fine, we got home eventually, she was running a temp and I am happy to say that she only threw up once. I was in bed and did not have to clean it up, I didn't even know about it until the next morning when she told me. Any way she stayed home from school yesterday still running a temp. I would give her panadol and she would be fine for 4 hours, she would forget she was sick. Then it would wear off and she would remember. So 3 Barbie movies and a bit of Panadol later, she is at school. So I feel like I have had a week of sick people, it doesn't help that my hay fever is shocking at the moment. It is like the cold that never goes, with itchy eyes. Hopefully it is nearly the end of Hay fever season.

Well I have started making Christmas cards. I don't have any pictures because I left them all at Mum's house. I went over there last Friday and got caught up making them that I didn't realise the time and had to rush to school because Samuel's class was running assembly. They did a really good job and luckily I made it in time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My big 6 year old

Well last Saturday Ashley turned 6. We had a very busy day on Saturday and we knew we wouldn't get time to do anything for her birthday so on Friday I took her out by herself. We dropped the boys off at school and grandma's then Ashley and I went to the Zoo. We had lots of fun it was a beautiful day. We looked at all the animals she wanted to see, we had some lunch and an ice cream. Then she got to pick out a special present for her birthday. She had a really good day. It was fun to just spend some time together just her and me. i don't get to do that enough, spend one on one time with each of them. I think I am going to have to make a bigger effort to do that especially for Samuel and Ashley. Joseph gets a lot of one on one while the kids are at school.

So anyway we had a very busy week end with stake Conference for Church. On Saturday morning we helped out at a community centre at Gawler, then Adam and I both had meetings. On Sunday we all had our big meeting. This was when Joseph got sick. We got to church early so Adam could set up a few things and everything was good. We picked our seats, we were right at the front. Samuel was in the primary choir. We sat through the meeting and Joseph fell asleep on my lap, I thought this was a bit weird and thought he might not be feeling well. Anyway he slept for about an hour, then he work up went out to the toilet and then came back and sat with Adam for a couple of minutes until he started making a horrible noise. I realised that this was him about to throw up. Well the last thing I wanted was for him to throw up at the front of the meeting one seat behind the dignitaries, with everyone watching. So I scooped him up and practially ran with him out of the chapel and down to the toilets. We were lucky and made it in time. So the poor kid was sick the rest for the day. But he is fine now which i am happy about. I really hate it when one of the kids are sick. I feel really helpless, there is nothing I can do for them except give them panadol and keep them cool or warm.

So it was a fun and tiring and busy weekend.