Thursday, September 17, 2009

My little fishies

Yesterday the kids started swimming lessons again. They have not done lessons in about 2 years. The reason we stopped was because we moved to Canberra. The kids really loved going and I am glad they have started again. They have been really excited all week, and we were trying to make a big deal about it for Joseph. I wasn't sure how he would go. Last time he went swimming was when he was about 2 and he was in the babies class so I would go in with him. So after school we all went to Big W and picked out some goggles, this got them excited, we then went home and did our homework and then put our bathers on. They were bouncing around with excitement by this time. Finally it was time to go, the noise in the car on the way was very loud. All of them trying to talk at once saying how good they were, what they were going to do and other boasts like that. So we got to the pool got our classes sorted out and then we started. It was really good. Samuel was in a class by himself, Ashley only had one other boy in her class and Joseph only had another girl in hers. None of them had a problem getting in least of all Joseph, he was raring to go. He went in he swam, he went under and he even jumped off the edge. He loved it. The other kids also had a ball, unfortunately they were both down the other end of the pool so I couldn't see them so well. But they were both going under and swimming well. Ashley even got a certificate for going under water. So all in all they had a ball. The best thing of all when we got home, we had dinner, got pj's on and went to bed. They were asleep in seconds, it was fantastic.

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