Joseph turned 5 in May and has been going to school on Wednesday mornings until just after recess. He loves it, he keeps asking me when he will get to bring a reader home and i can just see him soaking it all in. Every week they come home with something they have made, we have had a mask, a teddy bear and a monkey. He is in a class with about 15 other children and 12 of them come from his kindy. So he doesn't need to worry about making new friends not that I thought this would be a problem for him. He's speech is coming along really good now. He is remembering to start his words with correct sounds and he is getting much slower in his talking which makes it easier to understand him.
Samuel has had a very eventful couple of months. On a Monday morning I had dropped everyone off at school and kindy, I was getting ready for my Relief Society Presidency meeting when I got a phone call from the school. The told me that they thought Samuel had broken his arm and could I come and get him. So at 9:30am I went back to school to get Samuel. We can home and I called Adam to let him know what was going on, he told me to take Samuel to the hospital and he would meet us there. So off we went back to my work. We were not waiting long, we were out of the hospital by 12 noon. He had broken his arm down near his wrist and had a temporary cast on. We had an appointment to come back in a week to get the fibreglass cast on. Samuel was a trooper, he went to school the next day, I think it was more to show the cast off then anything else. He was pretty tired after that so he got a day off. He only had his arm plastered for 3 weeks which was good. He was very happy to get it off, so was I now he could finally shower properly.
We went and got the kids eyes tested the other week and discovered that Samuel needs glasses, so we went and tried some on. It was quite hard to find a pair that suited him as he has quite a big head so he didn't fit the children's sizes but was too small for the adults sizes. We eventually found two pairs that we all liked and now we are just waiting for them to come in. Today Joseph and I go to get ours eyes tested. Joseph kicked up a stink when he didn't get glasses so we will get his eyes tested. Hopefully he does't need them, Ashley's eyes were perfect, so she was also upset she didn't get glasses.
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