Monday, August 31, 2009

Serenade by the Children

Well this weekend was a nice and quiet one just like our week. On Friday night Adam and I went out to a 30th Birthday dinner for my brother in-law Buzz. I made him a chocolate flower arrangement. It is not as girly as it sounds. I had never made one before, but I had seen one of the girls at work bring one in. I decided that I could probably make one of them, so after asking her a couple of questions like "how do you get the chocolate to stay on??" I decided to try. With a little bit of help from Adam's mum I was able to make a black and yellow one for Buzz. I do have pictures but they are on my phone and I am not sure how to get them off.
On Saturday we just spent some time at home together, on Sunday after church Adam had to go out for some meetings so I got some things out for the kids to do. Ashley and Samuel were doing some beading, I bought some beads from Ikea and you place them on mats and then melt them and they form really cool mats/coasters. Samuel in particular likes doing it, he seems to have a bit more patience for it then Ashley. Mean while Joseph was playing on the floor with his Lightning McQueen truck set. I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready when he just burst in to song. He was singing a primary song called 'When Jesus Christ was Baptised'. It was so cute to hear him singing without any prompting. It is nice to know that the things that we are teaching them are sinking in. Of course because he was singing the other two decided to join in as well. So it was nice I was serenaded by my children with Primary songs.

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