Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Catch up

Well what a couple of weeks. We have been flat out busy. Firstly Samuel was baptised. I would put photo's up but I don't have any yet. Mum took some so I just have to get them off her the next time I see her. The other thing we have been doing is putting grass in our back yard.
A couple of weeks ago Adam came home and started digging up the
back yard. He pulled out pavers and took out a rose bush and then we moved over 2 tonnes of soil. We then purchases 3 tonnes of good soil and put this down and then we had to compact it and get it flat. This process took about a week, on Friday we went and picked up our grass. We ordered 16 sq mtrs of grass and it is fantastic. We got Kikuyu because it is really hardy and drought and pet tolerent. It makes such a difference to our back garden. We have only done a small section and we will continue to do the rest in small sections. We cannot do it all at once because Piper still needs to go somewhere. She loves the grass, as we were laying it she came out to have a look, she sniffed it for a second and then started rolling around. We had to get her off after a minute, and now have put a small fence around it. It is not meant to get any traffic for 14 days. We are watering it quite heavily and in this heat I will be doing it a bit more. So here are our before and after pictures -

Monday, November 30, 2009


Well this week is going to be a pretty big week for us. This week Samuel, my first born, is turning 8. Now turning 8 is a pretty big deal in our house. The reason it is a big deal is because Samuel will be getting Baptised. His birthday is on Friday, and on Saturday we are having his baptism. He is so excited about it, we have been building it up for him. As a parent it is exciting and scary, scary to think that I have a child who is 8, also it makes you think 'have I really taught him enough'. As 8 year olds we do not fully comprehend what we are doing when we get baptised, I think it doesn't matter how much you try and teach them. It is something that has to develop within them. They have to develop a love for the Church and its teachings and then choose themselves that they want to follow its teachings. Baptism is just the first step for them on that long road. So I am excited that Samuel is able to take that first step and that I will be there to help him afterwards. Samuel has had some really good teachers at Church and he has had some good example set for him by his cousins. All his cousins who are old enough have been baptised, Samuel has watched each of these baptisms and it has increased his excitement for his own. So that time is finally here. As I said on Saturday we will gather with family and friends to see Samuel get baptised. I am so proud of him for this decision he has made.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

7 o'clock and all is well

I am happy to say that all is well at our house. Adam has been traveling for the last week or so and he is finally back. The only good thing about him being away was that I got to take 3 days off work. It was nice to sleep in till 7:30am and not rush to get up or go anywhere. I still had to take the kids to school but we had plenty of time. I was able to have breakfast before I went out the door, I was even able to have a shower. I am happy he is back though, he went to Canberra for a couple of days and he went to Brisbane for a couple of days. It was nice to have the bed to myself, but then it was even nicer to share my bed when he came home late last night. I think the dog has missed him the most. He is her favourite person, when he came home last Thursday from Canberra she pushed past all the kids and got to him first as he came through the door. She is really a big softy, but you had better watch out for her big butt when she is trying to get to Adam. She is really funny on Sunday night I had the house to myself, the kids were sleeping over their Nanny's house and Adam had left for Brisbane. Instead of coming to sleep in my room she sulked and went and slept in the boys room. She was looking for them. When they got home the next day the first thing she did was sniff them all to make sure they were alright. We love our Piper.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sick, Sick, Sick

Well I think I told you in my last post about Joseph being sick, I am not sure if I mentioned Samuel, he came down sick as well last Wednesday. This Sunday it was Ashley's turn. She was fine while we were at church, then church finished and she complained of being sick. We couldn't leave because Samuel had his interview for getting baptised next month so I just lay her down on the sofa in the foyer and waited. She was fine, we got home eventually, she was running a temp and I am happy to say that she only threw up once. I was in bed and did not have to clean it up, I didn't even know about it until the next morning when she told me. Any way she stayed home from school yesterday still running a temp. I would give her panadol and she would be fine for 4 hours, she would forget she was sick. Then it would wear off and she would remember. So 3 Barbie movies and a bit of Panadol later, she is at school. So I feel like I have had a week of sick people, it doesn't help that my hay fever is shocking at the moment. It is like the cold that never goes, with itchy eyes. Hopefully it is nearly the end of Hay fever season.

Well I have started making Christmas cards. I don't have any pictures because I left them all at Mum's house. I went over there last Friday and got caught up making them that I didn't realise the time and had to rush to school because Samuel's class was running assembly. They did a really good job and luckily I made it in time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My big 6 year old

Well last Saturday Ashley turned 6. We had a very busy day on Saturday and we knew we wouldn't get time to do anything for her birthday so on Friday I took her out by herself. We dropped the boys off at school and grandma's then Ashley and I went to the Zoo. We had lots of fun it was a beautiful day. We looked at all the animals she wanted to see, we had some lunch and an ice cream. Then she got to pick out a special present for her birthday. She had a really good day. It was fun to just spend some time together just her and me. i don't get to do that enough, spend one on one time with each of them. I think I am going to have to make a bigger effort to do that especially for Samuel and Ashley. Joseph gets a lot of one on one while the kids are at school.

So anyway we had a very busy week end with stake Conference for Church. On Saturday morning we helped out at a community centre at Gawler, then Adam and I both had meetings. On Sunday we all had our big meeting. This was when Joseph got sick. We got to church early so Adam could set up a few things and everything was good. We picked our seats, we were right at the front. Samuel was in the primary choir. We sat through the meeting and Joseph fell asleep on my lap, I thought this was a bit weird and thought he might not be feeling well. Anyway he slept for about an hour, then he work up went out to the toilet and then came back and sat with Adam for a couple of minutes until he started making a horrible noise. I realised that this was him about to throw up. Well the last thing I wanted was for him to throw up at the front of the meeting one seat behind the dignitaries, with everyone watching. So I scooped him up and practially ran with him out of the chapel and down to the toilets. We were lucky and made it in time. So the poor kid was sick the rest for the day. But he is fine now which i am happy about. I really hate it when one of the kids are sick. I feel really helpless, there is nothing I can do for them except give them panadol and keep them cool or warm.

So it was a fun and tiring and busy weekend.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sports Day

Last week the kids had Be active day at their school. Now it is not called sports day and there are no prizes or ribbons and no one wins anything. Apparently competition is not good for kids so they have got rid of it. But anyway. The kids had Be Active day and they had a blast. There were parachutes, earth balls, tug of war and fireman mats. Lots of parents stayed around to help and the weather was perfect. Here are a few photos

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Sound of Silence

Isn't silence grand, at my house at the moment the only noise I can hear is my Dishwasher going and some work men out the front. The kids are all back at school and life is getting back to normal. I like the school holidays, the fact that we don't have to rush around getting ready, we don't have to do homework or find things to take to show and tell. But I also like school days when I can drop them all off and have 3 hours of peace. Yesterday I used my time wisely, first I had to have breakfast, this consisted of a diet shake in front of the computer, then my walking buddy (Piper) and I went out for a walk together, then I had to come home and do my ironing. When I say mine I actually mean Adam's work shirts. Now I don't mind ironing, I just hate it when i forget to do it and then I have to do it in a rush or Adam ends up having to do it. My mother has set me a very good example she always made sure that my dad had a shirt to wear for work and church. This is one small thing I can do to help Adam at work, I like to contribute in small ways. Trying to make the house tidy, making sure dinner was ready, making sure everyone had clean clothes. I think that by doing all these small things I am contributing and making our lives a little bit less stressful.

Now today I am not doing much yet, it is freezing outside so I think my walking buddy will have to miss her walk today. I have washing to do but I think it is going to rain, I will still do some, but the dryer is not as good as the clothes line and it costs more. I have to admit that I hate putting clothes away, I always wait until I really have to and I am afraid that time has come.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Second week of the holidays

Well I must admit the second week of the school holidays has gone quite good. On Monday we had a public holiday so yippee I didn't have to go to work but I still got paid for it (how nice that they pay me to sleep). The rest of the day was spent organising Ashley and Joseph's bedroom, they just cannot seem to contain the mess. So with daddy's help they have minimised. I don't know how happy there were about this but I don't think they get a choice. Other than that it was a very nice and relaxing day. Also this week my mum has been having one child a night, so I have only got two kids at home. It is nice and quiet for me, probably not so quiet for her. Also this week it was my nephews birthday so we all went around to my sisters house for a family dinner. It was nice to catch up with everyone. We hadn't seen everyone for a while and all their babies are getting bigger. I got to hold my niece Addison and I have to admit I think I am her favourite Auntie on this side, she keeps laughing at me and smiling. At church the other week she burst out laughing, she just cracked up, now this is a baby who was only about 8 weeks old. I have never heard a baby that small laugh, but she did. She either thinks I am the funniest looking person she has ever seen or she just loves me so much she cannot contain her excitement at seeing me. I agree with the last statement fully. So now school holidays are nearly finished I will be happy to get them all back into school even though it is only for 9 weeks. Now is my favourite time of year Christmas preparation. I love making cards and decorating the house and cooking yummy things for people, now if I could just pass on that enthusiasm to Adam we would all be happy.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Holiday Fun

Well it is School holidays at the moment and while the children are quiet, I have decided to blog. We have had quite a busy week or so leading up to the school holidays. Last week was my sister's birthday and my mother in-laws birthday. I was doing a lot of party preparation for Joanne's birthday (mother in-law) and forgot to ring my sister. I did send her an email as an apology, so if she is reading and wondering why I didn't call her that is why, I also didn't call after that because she was quite sick and no one wants to have to sit on the phone when they are sick. So sorry Brooke hope you feel better soon!!!! Well onto Joanne's birthday. I think it was great fun, we had a 60th birthday party and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Their was dancing, food, drink and good friends what more could you ask for. Yesterday we went over to her house to open her presents. On the night Joseph had asked if he could help her and was told that he could come over another day and help her. Well we called on Monday night to inquire when a good day to come over would be and caught her in the act of unwrapping them. That was fine though she re wrapped them and Joseph didn't notice any thing wrong.

Last night Adam decided to take me on a date and we went to the drive-in, we also took the kids with us, but they had to sit outside the car. We turned the car around, opened the wagon door and put the seats down. This makes quite a large space to lie in. We put a mat down for the kids and they had pillows and blankets. It worked out quite good except I fell asleep in the second movie. We saw G-force and Up. I fell asleep in UP I had been up since 4am though so I am sure I can be excused. The kids enjoyed themselves. I am glad we went to the drive-ins to see them as they were not that good and it only cost us $30. Now Samuel is sleeping over a cousins house and my house is nice and quiet. I might go and have some lunch.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It was nice this weekend to go to our own ward and just stay at home after and do normal Sunday things. For the past couple of weekends We have been going to different wards for church, the kids miss going to their own primary classes and I miss talking to some friends. So this week is was nice. They went to primary, enjoyed it and I got to speak to friends. I asked them all later that night what they had learnt. The younger two told stories and spoke about what they did in class but Samuel could not tell me one thing that he learnt. He seems to be going through a phases at the moment. On Sunday morning when I asked him to get dressed he told me he hated church. I asked him why, his response 'I don't know'. I really just think that it is the fact that on Sunday he has to dress up and sit still for 3 hours listening to other people speak. Because at home when we are having lessons and discussions he is quite happy to join in. It was funny a couple of weeks ago we taught the children the story of the boy who cried wolf. We had been having some lying problems and we were hoping this would address the situation in a way the kids could understand. Samuel had a really good idea he took me into the other room and suggested that we do a little play of the story. It worked really good. He was the boy and I was the villagers and the other kids really enjoyed it. So I don't think he really hates church, just that it is boring sometimes and no one wants to be bored.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My little fishies

Yesterday the kids started swimming lessons again. They have not done lessons in about 2 years. The reason we stopped was because we moved to Canberra. The kids really loved going and I am glad they have started again. They have been really excited all week, and we were trying to make a big deal about it for Joseph. I wasn't sure how he would go. Last time he went swimming was when he was about 2 and he was in the babies class so I would go in with him. So after school we all went to Big W and picked out some goggles, this got them excited, we then went home and did our homework and then put our bathers on. They were bouncing around with excitement by this time. Finally it was time to go, the noise in the car on the way was very loud. All of them trying to talk at once saying how good they were, what they were going to do and other boasts like that. So we got to the pool got our classes sorted out and then we started. It was really good. Samuel was in a class by himself, Ashley only had one other boy in her class and Joseph only had another girl in hers. None of them had a problem getting in least of all Joseph, he was raring to go. He went in he swam, he went under and he even jumped off the edge. He loved it. The other kids also had a ball, unfortunately they were both down the other end of the pool so I couldn't see them so well. But they were both going under and swimming well. Ashley even got a certificate for going under water. So all in all they had a ball. The best thing of all when we got home, we had dinner, got pj's on and went to bed. They were asleep in seconds, it was fantastic.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am not your friend anymore

I have not written in about a week and just wanted to do a bit of a catch up. On the same day as Father's Day it was my mum's birthday. I find it quite hard to get presents for my parents, so this year I got creative. I had made a chocolate flower arrangement for my brother in-laws 30th, so I decided to do a more feminine one for my mum for her birthday. I must say I was quite impressed with how it turned out.
Of course the kids had to be in the picture as well.
So that was what I did for my mum. I quite enjoy making things like that.
On to other things, Joseph today learned a hard lesson. He has been going to kindy full time since the beginning of this term. He has been really enjoying it and has made some friends. This is where the problem was. This morning he got to kindy and said hello to Matthew. Now Matthew is his best friend at the moment. So after he got his hat on he went over to play with Matthew, only to be told that he couldn't play with him because he was playing with someone else. Now Joseph was fine until I came over to say goodbye. He came over to be with this sad little face and with his little lip wobbling told me that Matthew didn't want to be his friend anymore. He was so upset, his little heart was breaking. He had been so looking forward to playing with his friend. He cried on my shirt for a couple of minutes and then we went inside to play with the computer. Hopefully when I go back to pick him up everything will be fine. My heart just went out to him, that he had to learn this hard lesson. Matthew was not nasty about it, he was just playing with someone else and when you are 4 you can only play with one person at a time. I am sure that this will not be that last time my children have friend problems. I just hope they are resilient enough to get through all that is thrown at them.

Monday, September 7, 2009


Well this weekend we have had Fathers Day. So I just wanted to say a little bit about the Fathers in my life.

First is my father, he is the best dad anyone could ask for. He has massive amounts of patience, he is always kind, he can always say something to cheer you up. He is a fantastic listener. With my dad you can take a long drive without 2 words being spoken and it is not uncomfortable. He is always willing to help, he has the skills and expertise to bless his family. He is often found on the weekends at other peoples homes doing electrical work. He willingly gives up his spare time and I have never heard him complain about it. When he lost his job, he didn't moan or groan about it, he just got on with life. He doesn't hold a grudge. He is fun to be around. As a kid I had so many opportunities to have fun from extreme sports like Jet Skiing, to just having a tickle fight on Sunday afternoon. He has introduced to me most of the music I love now. He wants to spend time with my children. I remember when Samuel was born, dad was in the hospital everyday having lunch with me. He changed the worst nappy you can get and he told me it was such an amazing feeling having a grandchild. Words couldn't describe it for him. But most of all he loves me unconditionally.

Second is my Father in-Law, he is a man who is always willing to help us. We have been in tight situations and he has always been there to help us out. If we ever need advice we can go to him and get an honest opinion. He has accepted me into his family without reservation. He is interested in what is going on in our lives and in our children's lives. He always wants what is best for us and I know that he loves us.

Lastly is my husband, the father of my children, he is such a support and friend to me. He is a fantastic father, he can always get Joseph out of his bad moods, he knows just what to say to Ashley to make her happy, and he plays with Samuel just to make him happy. He always has time for the children, even when he is busy with work or church assignments he will pause when one of them comes up to him and give them a hug. He love singing with them, our children know all sorts of music through him. He is teaching them the gospel principles and setting an example for them to follow. I love him, the children love him and I know that he love us.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Serenade by the Children

Well this weekend was a nice and quiet one just like our week. On Friday night Adam and I went out to a 30th Birthday dinner for my brother in-law Buzz. I made him a chocolate flower arrangement. It is not as girly as it sounds. I had never made one before, but I had seen one of the girls at work bring one in. I decided that I could probably make one of them, so after asking her a couple of questions like "how do you get the chocolate to stay on??" I decided to try. With a little bit of help from Adam's mum I was able to make a black and yellow one for Buzz. I do have pictures but they are on my phone and I am not sure how to get them off.
On Saturday we just spent some time at home together, on Sunday after church Adam had to go out for some meetings so I got some things out for the kids to do. Ashley and Samuel were doing some beading, I bought some beads from Ikea and you place them on mats and then melt them and they form really cool mats/coasters. Samuel in particular likes doing it, he seems to have a bit more patience for it then Ashley. Mean while Joseph was playing on the floor with his Lightning McQueen truck set. I was in the kitchen getting dinner ready when he just burst in to song. He was singing a primary song called 'When Jesus Christ was Baptised'. It was so cute to hear him singing without any prompting. It is nice to know that the things that we are teaching them are sinking in. Of course because he was singing the other two decided to join in as well. So it was nice I was serenaded by my children with Primary songs.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mundanes of Life

Well this week has been nice and quiet. Nothing big going on. I don't mind that at all. In fact I was actually able to have a nap on the sofa today while Joseph watched something on TV. I am sure it was a good show, he always chooses wisely. So while I lay there half asleep keeping my ears open for any noises I was also thinking that I had to get up soon to get the kids from school. If only they could get themselves home. Unfortunately they cannot so I pulled myself off the sofa and went and got them. I think I should have left them to make their own way home. My house was so much quieter without them here. As soon as Ashley got in the car she was complaining of hunger pains. Samuel and Joseph just wanted to play the Playstation. So we got in the house, Ashley complaining of hunger and not wanting to watch the boys, so off she went to my room to watch Barbie while the boys played. Every 5 mins Ashley is out to see what she can eat and to see if the muffins are cool enough to eat. They are now so I might get some piece and quiet for maybe 10 mins until she starts again.

Sorry to bore you with the mundanes of my life. But hey it is my blog.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Time for Family

Well this week has been a time to reflect on the importance of the family and friends in our lives. This week we have been to a funeral for Adam's cousin, and the most important message from the funeral was that we really need to appreciate our families more and make the effort to spend time with them. You just don't know how long we might have. So today I am going over to one of my sisters houses to have lunch with all the girls. All the girls being all of my sisters and my mum. We try and do this as regular as we can it usually ends up being about once a month, unless we are all really busy. It is something I really enjoy doing, I don't get to socialize with my sisters much, our kids are at school and kindy so it is hard to catch up during the week and by the weekend we are all busy with our husbands and families. It is nice for just the girls to catch up. Of course we have an assortment of children with us from newborns to 4 year old but that is ok, they are usually happy being at someone else's house playing with someone else's toys.

So I just want to let my family know how much I love and appreciate them and all that they do. We can never spend enough time together as a family and I include in that my extended family. The family I married into is as important to me as the one I was born into. I don't even know if any of them read this blog, but I read it so that is enough.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The student becomes the teacher

My kids are pretty smart, at least I think so. They can beat me at pretty much any computer game we own. The other day Joseph asked me if he could play something on the game console, I said he could but that I didn't want to help him as I was busy at the moment. So we got it all set up for him and he was playing quite happily. Until he got to a bit he couldn't do, so there he is pleading me to help him. I cannot resist him sometimes so I stopped what I was doing to help. Now it was pretty tricky, I was trying my hardest but apparently it was not enough. Joseph knew what I had to do but I just couldn't do it. Eventually he just asked for it back and did it himself. Now how bad is that, my 4 year old is better on the computer then me. He then proceeded to tell me everything he was doing as if I was the child and he was the teacher. Eventually I left the room and he was still going on about it. Yesterday Adam and Samuel were playing a game together on the computer and Samuel was beating Adam, now Adam did say that his hands were too big, and I will give that to him, it is easier for little hands to play this particular game. But I would never of believed it unless I had seen it. So now the student (child) has become the teacher (parent).

Gotta love those kids.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hate the mess, love the clean.

Don't you hate it that to do a really through clean up you have to make a really big mess. At the moment I am trying to sort out my kitchen. On the weekend Adam put up the overheads, so I now have all this excess storage space. I am sure it will not be excess for long. Recently we put big drawers in for the plates, bowls and serving dishes, so I have been rearranging this and cleaning out cupboards that I have not seen the back of for over 18 months. I put things in when we first put in the kitchen and have not looked at them since. So at the moment my kitchen is a big mess and I have to cook roast for dinner!! I am sure I will get it all done. The roast basically cooks itself I just have to remember to put it in.

Over all I feel I am having a very productive morning, I have done the dishes (still love my dishwasher), cleaned the toilet (gotta love that job), done 2 loads of washing, vacuumed up all the dog hair in my hallway (I had enough to make a small dog) and vacuumed the lounge room. So now I am off to get Joseph from Kindy and then I will continue my kitchen. I suppose I don't mind doing it, I am finding things that are still in their boxes that were engagement and wedding presents. Now we were married over 9 years ago. But we are all for keeping things in mint condition lol. So maybe with my new cupboards I will be able to get them out of their boxes and use them more often.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Over my head

Today has been a busy day, more for Adam then for me, we decided to put up our kitchen overhead kitchen cabinets. We only got them recently and attempted to put them up last week only to find that we needed an extra bit of wood in the back of each of them to fix it to the wall. So we decided to wait for today. We put all the cabinets together, then Adam put them on the wall with a tiny bit of assistance from me. I was expecting to have to stand underneath these things and hold them up while he fixed them to the wall, but to my suprise he hardly needed me, my shoulders are not sore, my back does not ache and I am greatful for a husband who is so handy. At the moment he is attaching the kickboards and he doesn't even need my help. I have a couple of pictures of our over heads -
As you can see from these pictures we are in the process of tiling, hopefully that will happen in the next week, we only have one wall to go and then we can grout it all and then the kitchen will be complete. That is until I go out and purchase a rangehood. I just wanted everyone to know that I have a very good husband, who has given up his weekends just so my life can be easier. No one likes doing the dishes and I especially don't enjoy cooking dinner, but he has made my kitchen a place I want to be. He has done most of the work himself, we had a bit of help from the family, and knowing that he is capable of doing something like this makes me feel proud of him.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Freaky Hair Day

Well today was Freaky Hair day at school and I sent my children looking like this -

and this -
They both wanted me to put colour hair spray in but that was not about to happen. Samuel was thrilled to get his Mohawk, and well Ashley was a bit harder to please. I mean I am not a very creative hair person. I cannot even braid, so all she got was pigtails and then I decided to pu them in little buns, this made her happy. As I was leaving her classroom today, I noticed that they were coming out, so I don't think they will last long. But at least she was happy for a couple of minutes.
Last night Adam got home and had to fix our car. It was making a horrible clunking sound in the front end, he had figured out what is was and called some places to get the parts he needed, but then he sent me out to get these parts. So he rings me, asks me to go to the shop and pick up these parts they are holding for him. Sounds easy I can do that... I ask him what they are called, he tells me. I get to the shop and do you think I could remember what it was called, I am like "something like a sway arm bush" lucky for me the person knew what I was talking about. So last night he gets home and decided to fix the noise. It was still light when he started, but it was getting dark so I was running around trying to get torches for him to work by. I got him all set up and he was able to finish. I was quite happy about that. I was worried he wouldn't be able to do it and I would have no car to go to work in.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

First Post

Well here we go, the first post of my new blog. I have been reading a few blogs lately and thought it would be a good way to record some of the events and happenings in my life. I find I don't get a lot of time to sit down and write a journal or anything, but I can always find a couple of minutes to get on the computer and type in some thoughts.

Like most mums my time is taken up looking after kids, house, husband and the dog. I must admit the dog is the easiest. For the last 18 months we have been renovating our house, now this doesn't mean that we have been pulling down walls and installing kitchens for 18 months just that it has taken 18 months to finally look like it might be finished. It all started while we were living in Canberra, our house in Adelaide was empty for a couple of months so we thought it would be a good time to rip out the kitchen, knock out a wall and repaint the entire house. So whenever Adam was back in Adelaide for work he would go over and do more work. He started doing this in about Feb 2008, by April the family was getting ready to move home and he had to try and make the house livable. I was under the assumption that I was coming home to a huge mess. Adam had ripped out our kitchen and as far as I knew I was going home to cook on the BBQ and wash dishes in the laundry. But when I got home and was escorted in I was presented with a beautiful but not complete kitchen. Now it is the not complete part that I want to talk about because it is almost complete now that it is Aug 2009. We were missing some cupboards and there was still a hole for a dishwasher. Well I finally got a dishwasher and we finally got around to buying my big drawers to put my plates and things in. We also got tiles for the walls and some overhead cupboards. So things are going along nicely. Adam is almost finished the tiling, and when we get a few more supplies from Bunnings (one of my fav shops) he will put up the over heads.

So all in all I am pretty happy with how my kitchen is progressing. I don't think the kids appreciate all the hard work I am getting them out of. I remember as a kid washing the dishes and hating it. My kids will not have to do the dishes by hand but I am sure they will still complain about having to load and unload the dishwasher, that is when I finally let them touch it, at the moment it is out of bounds.

Well must go now and load my dishwasher again, I love how easy it is to do the dishes now, even Adam will do them.